Online Courses

Courses to help you resolve issues

Much of what Dr. Keiron Brown does in helping to improve the lives of individuals, couples and families is to educate them about how certain issues affect their lives and functioning.  In this way, Dr. Brown is a teacher in addition to being a healer.  He has taken his years of clinical experience and developed a series of courses that help users learn about the nature of their issues, how the issues impact their lives and how to resolve their issues and reclaim their happiness and well-being.

Taking these courses is like having Dr. Brown all to yourself.  Courses address problems that are common to a lot of people.  Each course contains videos in addition to powerful and life-changing text and documents.  Take these courses at your own pace and enjoy the wealth of information they provide.  Anywhere you have internet access is your space for Dr. Brown to show you how to be stronger, happier and more fulfilled.

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